At St Joseph's we aim to provide all students with learning opportunities that cater for their individual needs and to ensure that those students who attract integration funding have programs tailored to meet their special requirements.
A staff member is assigned responsibility to coordinate the integration program at our school, including the coordination of applications for funding, the coordination of Program Support Groups, the development and implementation of program budgets, coordination of staff professional development and all other issues related to students with disabilities and their respective program needs.
The appraisal process for applications occurs at the earliest opportunity to provide the maximum potential for applications to be successful and to ensure a smooth transition for new students into our school setting.
The Program Support Group process is fully explained to all parties.
Program Support Groups will be established for all eligible students to facilitate curriculum planning and resource provision.
Program Support Groups are invited to meet at least once per term.
Communication with relevant consultants and support agencies is undertaken on a needs basis.
A speech pathologist, an occupational therapist, a counsellor and a wellbeing officer assist in meeting the physical,emotional, social and academic needs of all students.